Smile Lab

Welcome To Northeastern Synergetic Media Learning Lab

SMILE lab focuses on the frontier research of Artificial Intelligence, especially Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Data Mining. Our research is driven by the explosion of real-world diverse and massive data from the Internet, social media, sensor, personal or publicly available texts, photos, audios and videos. We start by treating fundamental theory from learning algorithm as the soul of machine intelligence and arm it with visual perception. What follows is a machine learning system that not only actively collects massive visual information from the environment, but also processes and responds human interactively through recognition, classification, understanding, and inference. We approach visual problem “what is it?” but we are more interested in “what should we do?” or “what does it mean?” and hopefully tackle them by interacting with machines when data are in large-scale and parsing process is extremely complex, e.g., mining representations among billions of images, recommending through visual cues, deep understanding and early prediction of events and activities under social context.

Recent News of SmileLab

03/2024, elected to Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
02/2024, 5 papers accepted by CVPR24.
01/2024, received 2024 IEEE Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award.
01/2024, 2 papers accepted by ICLR24.
12/2023, elected to Fellow of National Academy of Inventors (NAI).
12/2023, elected to Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA).
12/2023, Selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide
11/2023, 2 papers accepted by AAAI24.
09/2023, 4 papers accepted by NeurIPS23! 2 papers accepted by ICDM23!
08/2023, $200k, received Industry Faculty Research Awards.
07/2023, 4 papers accepted by ICCV23! 2 papers accepted by ACM MM23!
05/2023, $540k, Air Force Office of Scientific Research – AFOSR.
04/2023, appointed as the IEEE TPAMI Associate Editor, Impact Factor 24.3.
04/2023, 1 paper accepted by IJCV. 1 paper accepted by TPAMI
03/2023, $50k, received NEC Faculty Research Awards.
03/2023, 5 papers accepted by CVPR23.
02/2023, AI2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention, 2023
01/2023, elected to Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
01/2023, 4 papers accepted by ICLR23 including 1 Oral-Top-5%. 1 paper accepted by TPAMI
01/2023, received the COE Distinguished Faculty Award.
12/2022, $30k, received Snap Gift grant.
11/2022, 2 papers accepted by AAAI23. 2 papers accepted by TIP
10/2022, $70k, received Toyota Faculty Research Awards.
10/2022, $23k, received AFWERX STTR Phase I
09/2022, 3 papers accepted by NeurIPS22. 2 papers accepted by CIKM22.
07/2022, 3 papers accepted by ECCV22. 2 papers accepted by ACM MM22.
06/2022, Elected to Member of Academia Europaea (MAE).
05/2022, One paper accepted by KDD22, TKDD, TOMM.
04/2022, $50k, received NSF Award 2224289.
04/2022, $10k, received Zillow Academic Gift.
04/2022, 3 papers accepted by IJCAI22.
04/2022, $20k, received Picsart AI Research (PAIR) Faculty Research Award.
03/2022, 3 papers accepted by CVPR22.
01/2022, $830k, UPAF-AIR-KRI to Northeastern funding.
12/2021, Selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide.
12/2021, 3 papers accepted by ICLR22. 2 papers accepted by SDM22. One paper accepted by IJCV and TPAMI.
12/2021, We received the NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award in IEEE FG2021. Congratulations!
12/2021, One paper accepted by Nature Communications.
12/2021, One paper accepted by AAAI22.
11/2021, $16k, received MassVentures Acorn Innovation Grant.
11/2021, $100k, received Cisco Research Awards.
10/2021, $5k, received Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) Gift grant.
09/2021, 2 papers accepted by NeurIPS21!
09/2021, $10k, received Snap Gift grant.
09/2021, $10k, received Adobe Gift grant.
08/2021, One paper accepted by ICDM21, T-MM, and T-NNLS.
07/2021, 3 papers accepted by ICCV21!
07/2021, 4 papers accepted by ACM MM21!
06/2021, Elected to Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA).
05/2021, One paper accepted by T-IP, T-Cybernetics and T-KDD.
05/2021, $40k, received Picsart AI Research (PAIR) Faculty Research Award.
04/2021, $60k, received NEC Faculty Research Awards.
03/2021, $50k, received Adobe Data Science Research Awards.
03/2021, $8k, received Adobe Gift grant.
03/2021, First Prize, for both the RGB and RGB-D competition tracks of the CVPR21 International Sign Language Challenge.
02/2021, Received the inaugural Spark Fund Award.
02/2021, News@NortheasternHumans are trying to take bias out of facial recognition programs. It’s not working–yet.
02/2021, One paper accepted by CVPR21 and TPAMI.
02/2021, “One Label, One Billion Faces” paper mentioned by News@Northeastern
02/2021, One paper accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
12/2020, One paper accepted by AAAI21, SDM21 and CHI21.
10/2020, $100k, received Konica Minolta second Gift grant.
09/2020, $5k, received Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) Gift grant.
09/2020, 2 papers accepted by NeurIPS20!
07/2020, 4 papers accepted by ECCV20!
05/2020, $10k, received Adobe Gift grant.
04/2020, my students Joseph Robinson received 2020 ECE Outstanding Teaching Awards. Congrats!
04/2020, $105k, 2020 Amazon AWS Machine Learning Research Awards.
04/2020, 2020 AI2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention.
03/2020, $150k, 2020 JPMorgan Chase Faculty Research Awards
03/2020, $450k, STR: Multimodality Face Recognition
02/2020, 7 papers accepted by CVPR20!
12/2019, One paper accepted by ICLR20, TNNLS and TPAMI, respectively!
12/2019, I accepted invitation to be Associate Editor for the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).
11/2019, 3 papers accepted by AAAI20 respectively!
10/2019, we received the ICCV19 Workshop RLQ Best Paper Award. Congratulations!
10/2019, we received the ACM TOMM Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award 2019. Congratulations!
09/2019, $100k, received Konica Minolta Gift grant.
08/2019, One paper accepted by NeurIPS19, ICDM19, CIKM19, respectively!
08/2019, $5k, received Adobe Gift grant.
07/2019, 6 papers accepted by ICCV19!
06/2019, $529k, received NSF Award #1916839.
06/2019, $17k, received Adobe Gift grant.
05/2019, $50k, received phase II Global Resilience Institute seed grant.
05/2019, One paper accepted by KDD19, IJCAI19, CVPR19 respectively!
05/2019, I was promoted to be Full Professor!
04/2019, $50k, received Tier 1 funding.